Newark, CA
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You'll find it's easy to get to and from Newark California with our varied means of public transportation.
511 - Bay Area Transportation Information
511 is the Bay Area's one-stop source for up-to-the-minute traffic, transit, rideshare, and bicycling information. 511 is free of charge and available whenever people need it -24 hours a day, 7 days a week-from anywhere in the nine-county Bay Area. People can call 511 or visit to access the information and tools or receive it on an optimized mobile site, via text, or through personalized alerts from MY 511.
The website provides information and tools to help people easily plan their work or weekend trips and features traffic, transit, rideshare (carpool/vanpool) and bicycling information. Additionally, 511 offers instant access to Bay Area toll bridge information, carpool lanes, Park & Ride lots and many other travel-related details.
More information call 511 or visit
Additional Resources
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
AC Transit
Dumbarton Express